Sunday, February 27, 2011

A new record for Tyndall's revolutionary microchip technology VIDEO

Last February, Nature Nanotechnology announced the development at UCC's Tyndall National Institute of the world's first junctionless transistor. The transistor is the building block of the microchip and the breakthrough by Professor Jean-Pierre Colinge, was greeted by the semiconductor industry as a major advance. Now, Professor Colinge is back in the news with a transistor that is reduced again by a factor of twenty. To put in it context, his latest innovation is 2000 times smaller than a strand of human hair, 30 per cent more energy efficient than existing transistors and gives a better performance than transistors now on the market! With up to two billion transistors on a single microchip, the latest breakthrough will help to drive more simple manufacturing processes and is again being viewed as a significant leap forward. Professor Colinge explains:



quickest way to lose weight said...

There is much debate on the future implications of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology may be able to create many new materials and devices with a vast range of applications, such as in medicine, electronics, bio materials and energy production.

Atlanta Gutterglove said...

technology affects the life of the people. People just depend on using the technology. This is true that people turned out to be lazy because of using the instant used of technology products.

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